The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Hawai‘i Section seeks nominations for the 2024 Hawai’i Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (OCEA) Awards, which honors the best and the brightest achievements within the local civil engineering industry. Various awards will be given to those projects that demonstrate innovative and outstanding civil engineering accomplishments by Hawai‘i’s design and construction professionals.  

Nominated projects and research/studies will be considered for eleven award categories. A select panel of judges will determine the applicable award category for each nomination.  Awards may be given in all categories if a sufficient number of worthy nominations are received. Only one project will be selected as the overall winner, and recognized as the 2024 Hawai‘i Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award Winner. 

Award-winning teams will be asked to deliver a presentation at the Awards Banquet on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at The Kahala and to display a 36” x 36” poster board showcasing their project at the banquet for viewing by the attendees.  

Nominations are due Friday, August 9, 2024

​​For any questions or concerns, contact: 
Norman Leong, ASCE Hawaii Section                                     or                           Dayna Nemoto-Shima, ASCE Hawaii Section
Awards Committee Chair                                                                                         Awards Committee Chair                                                                                   

If files are too large to email, please contact the awards committee chairs via email to coordinate delivery before the August 9, 2024 deadline.  

For past awards click here.

Outstanding Civil Engineering Awards

2024 Copyright ASCE Hawaii Section